Category: News
Article featured on the Cover
Article featured on the cover of the Journal of Physical Chemistry C (The American Chemical Society)
An Appreciation from the Royal Society of Chemistry
B. M. Sachith Received the Chemical Society of Japan Student Presentation Award
Article featured on the cover
Article featured on the cover
Article featured on the cover
Jeladhara Sobhanan received the Research Excellence Award by the Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University.
Dr. Yuta Takano receives the young scientist award by the CSJ Hokkaido Branch
Dr. Takuya Okamoto receives the Matsumoto-Hatori award
Zhijing Zhang received the 22nd RIES-Hokudai International Symposium presentation award
Hanjun Zhao received the 22nd RIES-Hokudai International Symposium presentation award
Dr. Takuya Okamoto received the Hokkaido University interdepartmental symposium presentation award
Dr. Yuta Takano Received the Hokkaido University Interdepartmental Symposium Presentation award
Jeldhara Sobhanan received the Japanese Photochemistry Association’s J. Photochem. Photobio. A award for best presentation
V. Biju Receives the IAAM Medal, Sweden
22nd RIES-HOKUDAI International Symposium
Register and present for free
Article featured on the cover
Long-Range Interfacial Charge Carrier Trapping in Halide Perovskite-C60 and Halide Perovskite-TiO2 Donor–Acceptor Films
Article featured on the cover
Real-Time Blinking Suppression of Perovskite Quantum Dots by Halide Vacancy Filling
Article featured on the cover
Heterojunction Perovskite Microrods Prepared by Remote-Controlled Vacancy Filling and Halide Exchange
Article Featured on the Cover
A Photoanode with Plasmonic Nanoparticles of Earth Abundant Bismuth for Photoelectrochemical Reactions
Article Featured on the Cover
Article featured on the cover
Article featured on the cover
Hot article featured on the cover
Article featured on the cover
Article featured on the cover
Article featured on the cover
Hot article featured as the Frontispiece
Article featured on the cover
Review article featured on the cover
Hot article featured as the Frontispiece
Article featured on the cover
S. B. Bhagya Lakshmi received Chemical Society of Japan Student Presentation Award
Dr. Takuya Okamoto received the Inoue Foundation Technology Award
Dr. Takuya Okamoto received the 2020 Materials and Devices Joint Research Award
Ms. Kohara was given the 4th Matsuno Environmental Science Award
Matsuno Award: Former member Ms. Reiko Kohara receives 4th Matsuno Environmental Science Award for her excellent master thesis and publication.
More featured items
Summer Course will be held on the July
The summer course lectures will be held by Prof. Biju as an organizer.
Title of the course: “Fundamentals of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Green Energy Innovation”
Period: 09/Jul/2018 – 12/Jul/2018
Anyone can attend it. (Registration is needed)
Please visit the link below for the detailed information.
Ms. KOHARA was chosen as The Best Master Course Student
Ms. Reiko KOHARA (M2) successfully obtained master degree and was chosen as the the best master course student of the Division of Environmental Material Science, Graduate school of environmental Science, Hokkaido university.
We are proud of you!!
CSJ annual meeting
Assoc. Prof. Yuta TAKANO, Assist. Prof. Ken-ichi YUYAMA and D1 Sushant GHIMRE gave oral presentations in an annual meeting of the 98th Chemical Society of Japan.
Mr. GHIMRE won the Poster Award in the Hokudai EES’s FY2017 Poster Presentation
Sushant GHIMRE (D1 student) won the poster prize in the Hokudai EES’s FY2017 Poster Presentation Session for his outstanding performance.
Congratulation, Sushant!
Poster Award in the RIES International Symposium
Sushant GHIMRE (D1 student) won the poster prize in the 18th RIES International Symposium with his excellent presentation entitled
“The Dynamics of Photogenerated Charge Carriers in Self-Assembled Semiconductor Nanocrystal Structures”.
Only 3 young presenters were awarded among the total 40 presenters.
Congratulation, Sushant!
Welcome Ms. Lata
We held a welcome party for our new member Ms. Lata Chouhan!
Lab. trip to Yakumo
We went for an enjoyable trip to Toh-yako lake – Yakumo.
Blue‐Emitting Electron‐Donor/Acceptor Dyads for Naked‐Eye Fluorescence Detection of Singlet Oxygen
R. Kohara, K. Yuyama, Y. Shigeri, V. Biju*
ChemPhotoChem 2017, 1, 299-303.
RIES open day
“Oxygen we inhale: a friend and a foe”
Prof. Biju gave a public lecture in a science talk.